Holly Jean Mullen

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Pass/Fail + Love/War in Nutrition & Fitness

Does health and fitness ever feel like a pass/fail battle to you?
Like you eat really well one day, pass! But ordering pizza one night, fail?

Or, how about you stick to your commitment of working out and exercising 3-5x week pass! But taking a beach day with the kids fail?

A lot of people feel this way. I used to feel this way. You've heard people say "I've been battling my weight" all the time! Listen to that word, battle. If you are trying to beat your body into submission, trying to lose the weight, it will continue to be a battle. .

Q: When you wage war against yourself, who wins?

As a nutrition professional, I'm not immune to these struggles. But I've finally learned that weight loss comes from love, not war. It's a mindset shift that comes from healing your relationship with food and learning how to overcome self sabotage (the programs, patterns, habits, beliefs, and stories in our subconscious minds that keep us stuck in try/fail cycles).

Once I made this shift, 5 lbs came right off. This was after MONTHS of struggle and "doing everything right" and feeling discouraged.

If you feel like you are doing the external work and not seeing the results, you might be due for an internal change and mindset shift. Recoding and healing is possible with the right training and action steps.