Inspiration & Origins
I've struggled with weight for as long as I can remember, starting around 3rd grade. Despite my love for soccer, which I played through high school and into my 30s, I found myself stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting, binge eating, and disordered habits. My 20s were a whirlwind of chasing the California dream—partying at beach bars, nightclubs, and even the Playboy Mansion. The thrill masked the damage I was doing to my body and mind.
In 2014, after the birth of my second son, my health hit rock bottom. But it was during my first pregnancy that a spark ignited. I began questioning mainstream health advice, returned to church, and started blazing my own trail, founding the Holistic Moms Network. This was the beginning of my passion for motherhood, Nourishing Traditions, natural health, and homemaking.
Living in California was a mix of blessings and challenges for a family committed to living a natural, non-toxic lifestyle. The political climate wasn’t exactly welcoming to free thinkers, and though I never intended to become a family and medical freedom activist, I couldn’t remain silent in the face of injustice. I traveled to Sacramento and Washington D.C. for rallies and protests, locking arms with freedom warriors like Del Bigtree, Andrew Wakefield, and Robert Kennedy Jr. I’ve attended private meetings with legislators alongside Zen Honeycutt, whose leadership in the movement has been truly inspiring. I was honored to join the Freedom Keepers United team, where I served as the Chapter Liaison for the Midwest states until the non-profit closed its doors in 2021/22.
In 2018, I left my corporate career to pursue nutritional therapy. I started at a CrossFit gym and holistic wellness center, developing group programs and working one-on-one with clients. When the gym closed in 2020, I transitioned online and continued hosting the Real Health Conversations Podcast until 2023.
In 2021, my husband and I took a leap of faith and moved our family to rural Oklahoma to live out our homesteading dream. But despite this fresh start, I hit my ultimate low with my weight struggles and mindset in 2023. Yet, 2024 has proven to be a year of transformation—I’m now living as the healthiest version of myself. For the first time, I no longer fear relapsing into the person I used to be. The old me, who always lurked in the shadows of my mind, is gone. The only future version of me I see is even healthier and better than who I am today.
In Oklahoma, I also expanded my business, adding holistic real estate to my list of services. After witnessing so many others wanting to escape the city life hustle and grind (and big brother), I found fulfillment in helping like-minded families purchase homes where their health and home life can truly thrive. Combining health and home in my work has been one of the most rewarding parts of my journey, allowing me to live out my passion every day.
From Vision to Voice
The Real Health Transformations Podcast was born out of a deeply personal moment in 2023. After wrapping up the Real Health Conversations podcast, I was in the early stages of creating a new show. Then, in April 2023, while attending KetoCon in Austin with a close friend and fellow practitioner, I had a raw and vulnerable conversation about my ongoing struggles with health, particularly my weight. That conversation ignited a spark in me. I realized that my struggles weren’t unique, many women were fighting the same battles.
I wanted to create a space where these struggles could be openly discussed, where others could find understanding, community, and, most importantly, solutions. I knew that real health transformation was possible because I had been guiding others through it for years. It was time to bring this knowledge to a broader audience, to help women listen to their bodies, trust their instincts, and take control of their health journeys. That’s how Real Health Transformations came to life, a platform to empower women, share real stories, and offer practical solutions for true health transformation

Ready for a Change?
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